On February 6th 2024, Katja Kleespies was elected board member for psychology by the attending PhD students of the Faculty of Economics and Behavioral Sciences. Our warmest congratulations!
Posts in the Vorstand category:
University Elections 2021
Starting today, you can vote for a PhD representative in the faculty board. Visit https://wahl.uni-freiburg.de/ to vote. You will need your alphanumeric username (e.g., ab1234) to log in. If you are employed at the faculty, you may have multiple usernames. You can find the username you received as a PhD student via HISinOne (“User information […]
University Elections 2020
Starting today, you can vote for a PhD representative in the faculty board. Visit https://wahl.uni-freiburg.de/ to vote. You will need your alphanumeric username (e.g., ab1234)to log in. If you are employed at the faculty, you may have multiple usernames. You can find the username you received as a PhD student via HISinOne (“User information > […]
Save the date: University Elections 2020
+++ The university elections will take place online for the first time +++ This year’s university elections will be held from 08.12.2020, 10 a.m. until 14.12.2020, 10 a.m.. Students and matriculated doctoral candidates elect their representatives in the University Senate and in the Faculty Councils. Important: You can only vote as a PhD student if […]
Promotion und Pandemie
Falls ihr bald eure Promotion abschließt: erst einmal herzlichen Glückwunsch! Aufgrund der aktuellen Pandemie-Lage gibt es eine Ergänzung zur bestehenden Promotionsordnung: ab sofort können mündliche Promotionsprüfungen als Videokonferenz über Adobe Connect stattfunden. Diese Regelung gilt zunächst bis zum 30. September 2020.
(Deutsch) Nutzt eure Stimme – Uniwahlen
Sorry, this entry is only available in German.
(Deutsch) Vormerken: Uniwahlen!
Sorry, this entry is only available in German.
Election of board members
New board members were elected on November 20th, 2018, by all eligible doctoral candidates of the Faculty of economical and behavioral science as follows: Board member for sport science: Patrick Dressler Board member for psychology: Lea Lott Board member for education science: Christina Schuba Board member for economics and business studies: Steffen Weyreter
New Board member has been elected.
Convent protocol of the 07.02.2017 Faculty of economical and behavioral science of the University of Freiburg Secretary: Claus-Georg Nolte Attendant: 11 PhD students within the Faculty of economical and behavioral science Welcome Claus-Georg Nolte was elected unanimously to be chairperson. In addition, Claus and Christian were elected unanimously to be electoral commission. No […]
Details upcoming PH.D. Convent & Survey
Dear fellow doctoral candidates, with this mail we want to highlight the upcoming PH.D. convent on the 07.02.2017 as well as our ongoing survey. By now we are able to announce room and time where the convent will take place.